ཀུན་གཞི་རྣམ་པར་ཤེས་པ , ཀུན་གཞི , ཀུན་གཞིའི་རྣམ་ཤེས , ཀུན་གཞི་རྣམ་ཤེས
kun gzhi rnam par shes pa , kun gzhi , kun gzhi'i rnam shes , kun gzhi rnam shes
Fondement, fond ou base de toutes choses
base de tudo + consciência
आलयविज्ञान , आलय
ālayavijñāna , ālaya
the ground-of-all, universal ground
casa, receptáculo, lugar + consciência, conhecimento
all-ground consciousness, foundational-consciousness, ground-of-all, basis of all, ground consciousness
Abridged form of "kun gzhi rnam par shes pa", the ground consciousness in which the habitual tendencies are stored. It is the basis for the other consciousnesses. Occasionally, in certain teachings, kun gzhi is used for the original nature, the primordial purity (ka dag). [WOMPT, 1998] [ZT, 2006]
[When we speak of the “ground-of-all,” it can refer to two things. One is the support of all the afflictive emotions and of the imprints of our actions. This is the deluded ground-of-all, which we have to be rid of. The other ground-of-all is the primordial ground from which both samsara and nirvana arise.][ZT, 2006, translator's notes]
lit. the ground-of-alI. According to the Mahāyāna, this is the fundamental and indeterminate level of the mind, in which karmic imprints are stored. [TPQ, 2010] [CMH, 2001]
According to the Chittamatra school, this is the fundamental level of the mind, in which karmic imprints are stored. [IMW, 2004]
The ground consciousness that is basis for the other consciousnesses and in which the habitual tendencies are stored. [OMS, 2018][NS]
base universelle, conscience fondamentale*, conscience du fond universel*, fondement universel*, Alaya, Conscience de tréfonds, fond universel
Niveau fondamental et indéterminé de l’esprit où s’inscrivent les empreintes karmiques et où elles se trouvent « emmagasinées » ou « enregistrées ». [PIE, 2002]
forme abrégée de kun gzhi rnam shes (álaya vijñána), la conscience de fonds, où sont engrangées les tendances habituelles et qui engendre les autres consciences. [CGP, 1997]
« espace » neutre et indéterminé qui tient lieu de support à l'entière variété de nos prédispositions karmiques et recèle l'ignorance coémergente de même que la clarté de la pure aperception ; racine du devenir ; appelé « roi » dans certains enseignements détournés métaphoriques. — Conscience du ~, ou « conscience fondamentale ».— Se déposant dans le ~, les karmas se composent. Disparition du ~ au terme de la dixième terre. [TDPQ, 2009]
*CC [CC, 2013][SPB, 2020][LD, 2017][RL, 2010]
consciência de base, ālayavijñāna, ālaya, base-de-tudo
Literalmente, “a consciência-base-de-tudo”. Segundo o Mahāyāna, este é o nível basilar da mente, no qual as impressões kármicas são armazenadas, agindo como substrato para os restantes aspetos da consciência e respetivas perceções.
Forma abreviada de "kun gzhi rnam par shes pa" (sct. ālayavijñāna) , a consciência de base em que as tendências habituais são armazenadas. É a base para as outras consciências. Ocasionalmente, em certos ensinamentos, o termo "kun gzhi" é usado para a natureza original, a pureza primordial (ka dag). Ou seja, esta palavra tem significados diferentes conforme o contexto. Por vezes é sinónimo de natureza-de-buda ou dharmakāya, sendo a base de todos os fenómenos puros; outras vezes refere-se à "base de tudo ignorante", que é a base da experiência samsárica.
ālaya, base de todo
Forma abreviada de "kun gzhi rnam par shes pa" (sct. ālayavijñāna), la consciencia base en la que se almacenan las tendencias habituales. Es la base de las demás consciencias. En ciertas enseñanzas el término "kun gzhi" se usa para la naturaleza original, la pureza primordial; es decir, esta palabra tiene diferentes significados conforme al contexto.
Base di Tutto o Coscienza Base di Tutto
Abbreviazione di kun gzhi rnam par shes pa (sscr. ālayavijñāna) la coscienza di base nella quale sono immagazzinate le tendenze abituali, che è la base delle altre coscienze. In determinati insegnamenti, kun gzhi si riferisce alla purezza primordiale (ka dag), la natura originale pura da sempre. [WOMPT]
D2 <TIB>ཀུན་གཞི་
<SKT> ālaya
<TIB wylie>kun gzhi
fond universel : « espace » neutre et indéterminé qui tient lieu de support à l'entière variété de nos prédispositions karmiques et recèle l'ignorance coémergente de même que la clarté de la pure aperception ; racine du devenir ; appelé « roi » dans certains enseignements détournés métaphoriques. — Conscience du ~, ou « conscience fondamentale ».— Se déposant dans le ~, les karmas se composent. Disparition du ~ au terme de la dixième terre.
[TDPQ, 2009]
Alaya, lit. the ground-of-all. According to the Mahayana, this is the fundamental and indeterminate level of the mind, in which karmic imprints are stored.
[TPQ, 2010]
[When we speak of the “ground-of-all,” it can refer to two things. One is the support of all the afflictive emotions and of the imprints of our actions. This is the deluded ground-of-all, which we have to be rid of. The other ground-of-all is the primordial ground from which both samsara and nirvana arise.]
[ZT, 2006, translator's notes]