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concentration, meditative concentration/ absortion, contemplation, dhyāna, Samadhi

Meditative absorption, a state of mind without any distraction. Although it is vital for the meditative practices of the Buddhist path at all levels, it is not sufficient on its own, but must be combined with the correct motivation and view. See also four concentrations. [WOMPT, 1984]

Meditative absorption, a state of mind without any distraction, essential for all meditative practices, the result of which depends on the motivation and view of the meditator. Non-Buddhist meditative concentration leads to rebirth in the worlds of form and formlessness. The concentrations of the Shravakas result in their attaining the level of Arhat, while only those of the Bodhisattvas can result in Perfect Buddhahood. [ZT, 2006]

Meditative absorption of different degrees. Generally translated as “concentration.” [ZT, 2006]

A state of concentration [NS], especially one of the four states of concentration associated with the world of form.[OMS, 2018]

Meditative absorption of different degrees. [TPQ, 2010]


concentración, absorción meditativa

Absorción meditativa, un estado mental sin ninguna distracción. Aunque es importante para todas las prácticas de meditación en todos los estadios del camino budista, no es suficiente en sí misma, sino debe ser sustentada por una motivación y una visión correctas.[PMP, 2014]


concentration, recueillement*, absorption*, mandalas de méditation*, dhyana*, méditation*,

état de l'esprit qui peut demeurer focalisé sur un objet sans distraction et sans être pollué par les émotions négatives. Autre traduction possible: stabilité mentale. [POL, 1999]

état de l’esprit sans distraction. AT : stabilité mentale. [CGP, 1997]

Voir quatre concentrations. [SEDA, 2019]

état de l'esprit focalisé sans distraction ni souillure émotionnelle. — Vertu transcendante de ~ : conditions préalables ; définition ; trois types ; ~ puérile ; quatre niveaux de recueillement du monde de la Forme ; quatre absorptions du Sans-Forme. — Concentration du discernement parfait ; vertueuse ~ des Tathâgatas. — La ~ repose sur l'attention qui elle-même repose sur la diligence enthousiaste. — Qualités issues de la ~. Cf. Perles d'ambroisie, chapitre VIII. [TDPQ, 2009]

*CC [SPB, 2020][LD, 2017][RL, 2010][GE][G-T]



Absorção meditativa, um estado de mental sem qualquer distração. Embora seja essencial para as práticas meditativas do caminho budista, em todos os níveis, não é suficiente por si só, mas deve ser combinada com a motivação e visão corretas.


concentrazione, livello di stabilità meditativa, livello di raccoglimento meditativo

Stabile livello di raccoglimento meditativo senza alcuna distrazione. Anche se vitale per la pratica del cammino buddhista a ogni suo livello la sola concentrazione non è sufficiente, deve essere combinata con la corretta motivazione e la corretta visione. Vedi anche quattro concentrazioni.


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