tibetan sanskrit deutsch english español français italiano polski português
གཏེར་མ , གཏེར , གཏེར་ཆོས
gter ma ; gter ; gter chos
terma, treasure, hidden treasure
Teachings, with statues and other objects, that were hidden by Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal and others in earth, rocks, lakes and trees, or even in more subtle locations such as space or mind for the sake of future generations, and then rediscovered in miraculous ways by incarnations of Padmasambhava's disciples, the treasure discoverers.
Teachings that were hidden, along with statues and other objects, by Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal, and others in earth, rocks, lakes, and trees, or even in more subtle locations such as space or mind for the sake of future generations, and then rediscovered in miraculous ways by incarnations of Padmasambhava’s disciples, the treasure discoverers. [TLWF, 2011]
These are teachings and sacred objects concealed mainly by Guru Padmasambhava, to be revealed later, at a time when they would be more beneficial for the world and its inhabitants. Guru Rinpoche concealed such treasures in the deepest recesses of the minds of his disciples, who were themselves practitioners of great accomplishment. In addition, although not in every case, the bestowal of these treasure teachings was accompanied by the creation of certain physical objects, often scrolls of yellow paper carrying the symbolic letters of the ḍākinīs , or other writing (sometimes a few words, sometimes entire texts). These texts, together with other items, were entrusted for protection to the ḍākinīs or Dharma protectors and were concealed, not in the ordinary sense, but within the very nature of the elements. According to the inconceivable workings of interdependence, when the appropriate historical period arrives, the disciples to whom a specific teaching was bestowed appear in the world and proceed to unfold the treasure teachings. In this they are often prompted by the discovery of the items just referred to, or else they spontaneously recollect the teaching received many centuries before from the mouth of the guru. The collection of terma is enormous and forms one of the main sources of teaching and practice of the Nyingma school. [TPQ, 2010]
See Treasure [LLB, 2002]
Teachings and sacred objects concealed by Guru Rinpoche and other enlightened beings, to be revealed later, at a time when they would be most beneficial. The Terma teachings are composed in the symbolic letters of the dakinis, or other writing, and consist sometimes of a few words, sometimes of an entire text. The Treasures were concealed in the nature of the elements-water, rocks, etc. - or in the minds of the disciples. When they were with Guru Rinpoche, these disciples fully realized the meaning of these teachings and are for this reason the only ones who can rediscover them in the course of subsequent incarnations. The purpose of the symbolic script is in fact to awaken in the tertön's mind the memory of the teaching entrusted to him or her by Guru Rinpoche. [LLB, 2002]
lit. treasure. Teachings and blessed substances concealed principally by Guru Padmasambhava, to be revealed later, at a time when they would be more beneficial for the world and its inhabitants. [WL, 2010]
tibetan sanskrit deutsch english español français italiano polski português
Trésor, Trésor (révélés)
enseignements (mais aussi statues, objets, rituels, remèdes, substances variées) qui furent cachés pour le bien des générations futures, puis découverts par des êtres prédestinés, les révélateurs de trésors (gter ston ), dans la terre, les lacs, les océans, les rochers, les arbres, le ciel ou les endroits encore plus
subtils où ils étaient cachés. [CGP, 1997]
enseignements ou objets cachés par Padmasambhava et Yéshé Tsogyal au Ixe siècle pour les générations futures. Les trésors sont parfois des objets matériels (livres, statues, objets rituels, remèdes, substances, etc.) cachés dans la terre, les lacs, les rochers, etc. ; ils sont parfois immatériels, tels les trésors de l'esprit cachés dans l'esprit d'êtres prédestinés pour que ces derniers les révèlent dans une vie future. [AGP-1, 2017]
terma, tesouro revelado
Ensinamentos e outros objetos sagrados ocultados (principalmente pelo Guru Rinpoche) para o benefício das gerações futuras. Guru Rinpoche escondeu tesouros espirituais na terra, rochas, lagos, plantas, mas também no espaço e na mente dos seus discípulos, eles próprios dotados da mais alta realização espiritual. Estes foram escondidos para que, a seu tempo, graças ao milagre da interdependência, pudessem ser descobertos por reencarnações dos seus discípulos, os chamados tertöns (gter ston) ou descobridores de tesouros, e devidamente revelados para serem utilizados pelas gerações futuras.
terma, tesoros espirituales, tesoro revelado
Enseñanzas y también estatuas y otros objetos que fueron escondidos por Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal y otros en la tierra, rocas, lagos y árboles, o incluso en lugares más sutiles como en el espacio o en la mente para el beneficio de generaciones futuras y que son redescubiertos por encarnaciones de discípulos de Padmasambhava, los descubridores de tesoros (gter ston).[PMP, 2002]
(Cuando se escribe con mayúscula, Terma se refiere a la tradición o al cuerpo de la literatura terma). Cuando Padmasambhava dio iniciaciones y enseñanzas a sus principales discípulos, confió enseñanzas específicas a cada uno de ellos. Estas enseñanzas fueron milagrosamente ocultadas en varios lugares, templos, imágenes, el cielo (es decir, un pergamino que cae del cielo a la mano del tertön), rocas y lagos. Los que se encuentran en la naturaleza se llaman tesoros de tierra (sa gter).
Predijo que en futuras encarnaciones estos discípulos revelarían (encontrarían) estas enseñanzas ocultas y las compartirían para el beneficio de los seres. Estas encarnaciones se conocen como tertöns. En el caso de los "tesoros de mente" (dgongs gter), las enseñanzas ocultas no se desentierran físicamente, sino que surgen en la mente del tertön por las bendiciones de Padmasambhava. Cuando una terma es "redescubierta" (yang gter), esto significa que primero fue ocultada por Gurú Padmasambhava y luego encontrada por un tertön. Cuando una terma se llama "reextraída", significa que fue 1) escondida por Padmasambhava y 2) redescubierta o revelada por un primer tertön, quien entonces se dio cuenta de que el momento no era el adecuado y volvió a esconder el tesoro; fue entonces 3) revelada por segunda vez por un tertön superior, quien lo compartió con otros. También podríamos llamar a esto una terma "dos veces descubierta".[VI, 2020]
terma, tesoro spirituale
Insegnamenti e altri oggetti sacri celati (principalmente da Guru Rinpoche) a profitto di generazioni future. Guru Rinpoche celò tesori spirituali nella terra, nella roccia, nei laghi, nelle piante, ma anche nello spazio e nella mente dei suoi discepoli, essi stessi dotati di elevatissima realizzazione spirituale; li celò in modo che a tempo debito, grazie al miracolo dell’interdipendenza, potessero essere scoperti da reincarnazioni dei suoi discepoli, cosiddetti tertön (gter ston) o scopritori di tesori, e opportunamente rivelati.