rig 'dzin
détenteur de connaissance, teneur de science
détenteur de connaissance*, Vidyadhara
la connaissance ou la science désignent ici les déités, les mantras et la sagesse de la grande félicité. L’adepte qui cultive ces trois points en pratiquant les méthodes profondes jusqu’à la maîtrise mérite le nom de vidyadhara. [PIE, 2002]
« détenteur, grâce aux méthodes profondes, des déités, des mantras et de la sagesse de la grande félicité. » (GD) La tradition ancienne considère quatre degrés de vidyādhara : 1) totalement mûr (rnam smin ), 2) maîtrisant la durée de vie (tshe dbang ), 3) mahámudrá (phyag chen ), 4) spontanément accompli (lhun grub ). [CGP, 1997]
parfois traduit « teneur d'Éveil » : adepte tantrique hautement réalisé. [TDPQ, 2009]
détenteur de connaissance, ou de conscience éveillée, pratiquant accompli du Mantrayana. [AGP-1, 2017]
*CC [LD, 2017]
vidyādhara, knowledge holder, awareness holder
"One who through profound means holds the deities, mantras, and the wisdom of great bliss." DICT. In the Nyingmapa Tradition there are four levels of vidyādhara: (i) totally matured (rnam smin), (ii) mastering the duration of his life (tshe dbang), (iii) mahamudra (phyag chen), and (iv) spontaneously accomplished (lhun grub). [WOMPT, 1998]
Lit. “knowledge holder”: One who through profound means holds the deities, mantras, and the wisdom of great bliss. [ZT, 2006] [TLWF, 2011][NS]
lit. awareness holder or knowledge holder. A being of high attainment in the Vajrayāna. According to the Nyingma tradition, there are four levels of Vidyādhara corresponding to the ten (sometimes eleven) levels of realization of the Sūtrayāna. [WL 2012] They are: (1) the Vidyādhara with corporal residue (rnam smin rig 'dzin); (2) the Vidyādhara with power over life (tshe dbang rig 'dzin); (3) the Mahāmudrā Vidyādhara (phyag chen rig 'dzin); and (4) the Vidyādhara of spontaneous presence (lhun grub rig 'dzin). [TPQ, 2010]
Lit., Knowledge-Holder. A being of high spiritual attainment. According to the Nyingma tradition, there are four levels of Vidyadhara, corresponding to the ten levels of realization of the Sutrayana and the state of Buddhahood. They are (1) the Vidyadhara with residues, (2) the Vidyadhara with power over life, (3) the Mahamudra Vidyadhara, (4) the Spontaneous Vidyadhara. [LLB, 2002]
vidyādhara, detentor da cognosciência
"Aquele que por meios profundos detém as deidades, os mantras e a sabedoria do grande êxtase". Na Tradição Nyingmapa existem quatro níveis de vidyādhara: (1) totalmente maturado (rnam smin), (2) com domínio da duração da sua vida (tshe dbang), (3) mahāmudrā (phyag chen), e (4) espontaneamente realizado (lhun grub). [WOMPT]
"Colui che grazie ai metodi profondi è detentore della deità, dei mantra e della conoscenza della grande felicità ". GD. Secondo l'Antica Tradizione si considerano quattro livelli di vidyadhara: 1) pienamente maturo (rnam smin), 2) padrone della durata della propria vita (tshe dbang), 3) mahamudra o grande simbolo (phyag chen ), 4) spontaneamente realizzato (lhun grub).
vidyādhara, sostenedor de la conciencia
Literalmente "portador del conocimiento". Alguien que por medio de profundos métodos conoce las deidades, los mantras y la sabiduría de la gran felicidad (GD). La escuela Nyingmapa distingue cuatro niveles de vidyādhara: 1) totalmente maduro (rnam smin), 2) con control sobre la duración de la vida (tshe dbang), 3) mahamudra (phyag chen) y 4) con realización espontánea (lhun grub).[PMP, 2014]
Un maestro del alto logro en el Vajrayana. Los ocho grandes Vidyādharas eran siddhas tántricos de la India.[VI, 2020]