phung po
塞; 陰
v. sāi , older tr. yīn
agrégat*, agrégats*
constituant de notre être ; d'après l'Abhidharma, il y en a cinq : forme matérielle, sensations, perceptions, formations karmiques et conscience. [POL, 1999]
au nombre de cinq, les « agrégats » (ou « ensembles ») réunissent les formes, les sensations, les perceptions, les facteurs de composition et les consciences, éléments auxquels on peut intégralement ramener la « personne » ou l'individu. Leur émergence commune crée l'illusion du soi dans l'esprit ignorant. [TDPQ, 2009]
*CC [CC, 2013][SPB, 2020][LD, 2017][GE]
Aggregates, skandhas, "heap"
The five skandhas are the component elements of form, feeling, perception, conditioning factors, and consciousness. They are the elements into which the person may be analyzed without residue. When they appear together, the illusion of self is produced in the ignorant mind. [TPQ, 2010]
These are the five psychophysical constituents of the individual person: form, feelings, perceptions, conditioning factors, and consciousness [IMW, 2004]
See five aggregates. [ZT, 2006][OMS, 2018]
The five constituents, one physical and four mental, found when, in the search for the self, the
human “person” is subjected to analytical investigation. They are the material form or body, feelings, perceptions, conditioning factors, and consciousness. The coming together of these aggregates gives rise to the impression of “I.” [WL, 2012]
skandha, agregado
Literalmente, “amontoado” ou “pilha”. Os cinco skandhas, ou agregados, são os constituintes psicofísicos da pessoa: a forma, as sensações, as perceções, os fatores condicionantes (volições ou formações) e a consciência. É com base nestes cinco skandhas que é formada a noção errónea de um “eu” singular, independente e permanente, que é tido como verdadeiramente existente. [BQHT, 2023]
skandha, agregado, montón
Los cinco skandhas son la forma, la sensación, la percepción, los factores condicionantes y la conciencia. Son los agregados con los que la persona puede ser analizada sin residuos. Cuando aparecen juntos, la ilusión de un "sí mismo", un ego, se produce en la mente ignorante.
Son los cinco componentes psicofísicos de la persona individual: forma, sensaciones, percepciones, factores condicionantes y conciencia [IMW 2004].