ཞི་བ་འཚོ , མཁན་པོ་བོ་དྷི་ས་ཏྭ
zhi ba 'tsho , mkhan po bo d+hi sa twa
Shantarakshita, Bodhisattva (l'abbé)
également appelé « Abbé Bodhisattva », grand érudit indien du bouddhisme Mahayana et abbé de l'université de Nalanda, invité au Tibet par le roi Thrisong Detsen au VIIIe siècle, pour consacrer le site du premier monastère tibétain à Samyé. [POL, 1999]
appelé aussi l’abbé Bodhisattva, grand érudit indien du Grand Véhicule, abbé de l’université bouddhiste de Nālandā. Il fut invité au Tibet par le roi Thrisong Detsen pour consacrer l’emplacement du premier monastère (Samyé). [CGP, 1997]
également connu sous le nom de « Khenpo Bodhisattva ». Appartenant à l’université monastique de Nalanda, Shantarakshita fut le grand interprète de l’école de la Voie médiane yogachara-svatantrika. Invité par le roi Thrisong Detsen, il se rendit au Tibet au VIIIe siècle, entreprit la construction du monastère de Samyé et ordonna les sept premiers moines tibétains. C’est à son instigation que le roi invita Gourou Rinpoché au Tibet. [PIE, 2002]
Śāntarakṣita, Khenpo Bodhisattva
Also called the Bodhisattva Abbot. This great Indian paṇḍita of the Mahāyāna school was abbot of the Buddhist university of Nālanda and author of a number of philosophical commentaries, such as the Ornament of the Middle Way (dbu ma rgyan, Skt. Madhyamakālankāra-karika). He was invited to Tibet by King Trisong Detsen to consecrate the site of the first Tibetan monastery at Samye and ordained the first Tibetan monks. [WOMPT, 1998]
Also called the Bodhisattva Abbot. A great Indian pandita of the Mahayana School who was abbot of the Buddhist university of Nalanda and author of a number of philosophical commentaries, such as the Adornment of the Middle Way (dbu ma rgyan, Skt. Madhyamakalankara). He was invited to Tibet by King Trisong Detsen to consecrate the site of the first Tibetan monastery at Samye and to ordain the first Tibetan monks. [ZT, 2006]
Also known as Khenpo Bodhisattva. Associated with the monastic university of Nālanda, Śāntarakṣita was the great exponent of the upper school of the Yogācāra Svātantrika Madhyamaka. He visited Tibet in the eighth century at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen and ordained the first seven Tibetan monks. He was thus the source of the so-called smad 'dul, the Lowland or Eastern lineage of monastic ordination followed by Nyingmapas and many Gelugpas. Among the previous Indian holders of the lineage of Śāntarakṣita were Śāriputra, Rāhula (sgra gcan 'azin, another name for Saraha), and Nāgārjuna. It was at the suggestion of Śāntarakṣita that the king invited Guru Rinpoche to Tibet. [TPQ, 2010]
Also traditionally referred to as Khenpo Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva Abbot. A great Indian master of Mahayana Buddhism, abbot of the university of Nalanda, invited to Tibet by King Trisong Detsen [LLB, 2002]
Also known as Khenpo Bodhisattva. Associated with the monastic university of Nalanda, Shantarakshita was the great exponent of the Yogachara- Svatantrika-Madhyamika school. He visited Tibet in the eighth century at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen and ordained the first seven Tibetan monks. It was at the suggestion of Shantarakshita that the king invited Guru Rinpoche to Tibet.. [CMH, 2001]
Also known as Khenpo Bodhisattva. Associated with the monastic university of Nalanda, Shantarakshita was the great exponent of the upper school of the Yogachara Svatantrika Madhyamika. He visited Tibet in the eighth century at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen and ordained the first seven Tibetan monks. He was thus the source of the so-called smad 'dul, the Lowland or Eastern lineage of monastic ordination followed by Nyingmapas and many Gelugpas. Among the previous Indian holders of the lineage of Shantarakshita were Shariputra, Rahula (sgra gcan 'dzin, another name for Saraha), and Nagarjuna. It was at the suggestion of Shantarakshita that the king invited Guru Rinpoche to Tibet. [TPQ, 2010]
Śāntarakṣita, Khenpo Bodhisattva
Também chamado de Khenpo Bodhisattva. Este grande indiano paṇḍita da escola Mahāyāna foi abade da universidade budista de Nālanda e autor de uma série de comentários filosóficos, como o Ornamento do Caminho do Meio (dbu ma rgyan, Skt. Madhyamakālankāra-karika). Foi convidado pelo Rei Trisong Detsen para o Tibete por forma a estabelecer o Dharma, e consagrou o local do primeiro mosteiro tibetano em Samye e ordenou os primeiros monges tibetanos.
Chiamato anche l’Abate Bodhisattva. Questo grande paṇḍita indiano della scuola mahāyāna fu abate dell’università buddhista di Nālandā e autore di numerosi commentari filosofici, tra i quali il Madhyama - kālankāra (tib. dbu ma rgyan, lett. ‘ornamento della via mediana’). Nel corso dell’VIII secolo, invitato in Tibet dal re Trisong Detsen per consacrare il luogo in cui sarebbe stato costruito il primo monastero tibetano, fondò Samyé e ordinò i primi sette monaci tibetani. Fu dietro consiglio di Śāntarakṣita che il re invitò Padmasambhava in Tibet.
Śāntarakṣita, Khenpo Bodhisattva
El título por el que a veces se menciona a Śāntarakṣita. [PMP, 2012]
También conocido como el Abad Bodhisattva. Este gran pandita indio de la escuela Mahayana fue abad en la universidad budista de Nalanda. Exponente de la escuela Yogachara- Svatantrika-Madhyamika y autor de numerosos comentarios filosóficos (como "El ornamento del Camino Medio" - sánscr. Madhyamakalamkarakarika; tib. dbu ma rgyan). Fue invitado por el rey Trisong Detsen para consagrar el lugar donde se iba a construir el primer monasterio tibetano en Samye y ordenó a los primeros monjes. Śāntarakṣita fue quien sugirió al rey Trisong Detsen que invitase a Guru Rinpoche al Tíbet.