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Atenção: provisório – em revisão
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amigo espiritual imaculado
विमलमित्र, विमलमित्रः
vimalamitra, vimalamitraḥ
(Séc.VIII-?): Um dos maiores mestres e professores do budismo indiano. No Séc. IX instalou-se no Tibete, onde ensinou e supervisionou a tradução de numerosos textos sânscritos, entre os quais o Sūtra-Coração. Vimalamitra, juntamente com Guru Padmasambhava, foi um dos principais precursores dos ensinamentos da Grande Perfeição no Tibete.
One of the most learned Indian Buddhist masters. He went to Tibet in the 9th century, where he taught extensively, and composed and translated numerous Sanskrit texts. The quintessence of his teaching is known as the Vima Nyingtig, one of the Heart-essence teachings of the Great Perfection. [WOMPT, 1998]
An Indian master who held an important place in the lineages of the Great Perfection. He went to Tibet in the 8th century, where he taught extensively, and composed and translated numerous Sanskrit texts. The quintessence of his teaching is known as the Vima Nyingtig. [TLWF, 2011] [ZT, 2006][NS]
One of the greatest masters and scholars of Indian Buddhism. He went to Tibet in the ninth century, where he taught and translated numerous Sanskrit texts. He was one of the principal sources, together with Guru Padmasambhava, of the Dzogchen teachings in Tibet. [TPQ, 2010]
One of the greatest masters and panditas of Indian Buddhism who brought the Dzogchen teachings to Tibet. [LLB 2002]
One of the greatest masters and scholars ofIndian Buddhism in general and of the Heart Essence in particular. He went to Tibet in the ninth century, where he taught and translated numerous Sanskrit texts. [CMH, 2001]
l’un des plus grands maîtres et érudits du bouddhisme indien en général et de l’Essence du coeur en particulier. Il se rendit au Tibet au IXe siècle, où il enseigna et traduisit de nombreux textes sanskrits. [PIE, 2002]
un des plus grands érudits indiens. Il alla au Tibet (9e siècle) où il enseigna beaucoup, composa et traduisit de nombreux textes. La quintessence de son enseignement est connue sous le nom de Vima nyingtig , l’une des Essence du cœur de la Grande Perfection. [CGP, 1997]
[TDPQ, 2009]
Uno de los maestros budistas indios más eruditos. Fue al Tíbet en el siglo IX, en donde enseñó ampliamente, compuso y tradujo numerosos textos sánscritos. La quintaesencia de sus enseñanzas se conoce como el Vima Nyingthig, una de Las esencias del corazón de la Gran Perfección.[PMP, 2014]
Uno de los ocho vidyadharas y un gran maestro indio del siglo VIII. Enseñó ampliamente en el Tíbet y fue el principal pandita indio que supervisó la traducción de textos budistas del sánscrito al tibetano en el Monasterio de Samye bajo el patrocinio del rey Trisong Detsen. El linaje particular de Dzogchen que él inició es conocido como el Vima Nyingthig.[VI, 2020]
Uno dei più eruditi maestri buddhisti indiani. Nel IX secolo si recò in Tibet, dove insegnò, compose e tradusse numerosi testi sanscriti. La quintessenza del suo insegnamento è conosciuta come il Vima Nyingthig, uno dei Nyingthig (intima essenza del cuore) della Grande Perfezione.